
Hi, I’m Arek 👋 I’m excited about high performing teams and building software systems. In my spare time I enjoy reading books, doing sports, and cooking.

I live and work fully remotely from the beatiful city of Kraków, Poland.

Professional Experience

Currently I am a team lead (engineering manager) at PSPDFKit. I’m building products that other software professionals use to handle any kinds of documents in their apps. Previously I worked at Erlang Solutions as Erlang and Elixir consultant.

Open Source

I like contributing to open source software. Recently I’ve been working on Telemetry, a suite of observability libraries for Erlang and Elixir.

Social Networks

You can find me on Twitter and GitHub.

Open Invitation

I’m always happy to chat! You can write to me at arek@arkgil.net or shoot me a DM on Twitter.